[Tutor] lists
Lloyd Kvam
Fri Jun 6 19:02:03 2003
(red faced)
after No:
list2 = list1[:]
You've already gotten advice from others that your request is a little
strange. Jeff explained in some detail a few days ago in another post how
Python allows you to simply stick names on to the bits (objects, values) that
you are trying to manage. In languages like C, Fortran, Pascal, etc. the names
are tightly attached to the bits and can't be shifted around.
Lloyd Kvam wrote:
> Do you really need to save list2's (potential) contents?
> Yes:
> list2.append(list1[:]) # copy from list1 to list2
> del list1[:] # del contents of list1
> [:] grabs a slice from a list. If nothing else is specified, the slice
> is a copy
> of the whole list. list1[-5:] would grab the last 5 items as a slice of
> list1.
> No:
> list2 = list1 # assign list2's name to list1
> del list1[:]
> ********
> The del statement for list1 covers the case where you have other names
> bound
> to list1 and ALL of those names should now be bound to the same empty list.
> list1 = [] #would leave the other names bound to list1 with contents.
> Vidhya Narayanan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have this very basic question. I have two lists. I deleted some
>> items from
>> list1. list 2 is empty. I need to move the remaining items from list1
>> to list 2
>> in the same order. Can some one help me out ?Thanks in advance
>> best
>> Vidhya
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Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358
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