[Tutor] matrix q?

Bob Gailer bgailer@alum.rpi.edu
Sat Jun 7 13:10:10 2003

At 04:36 AM 6/7/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>i want to add the row of a square matrix.
>the code i have is :
>myMatrix = [2,7,6], [9,5,1], [4,3,8]
>def sumRow(aMatrix, index):
>     sum = 0
>     for item in aMatrix[index]:
>         sum = sum + item
>     print aMatrix[index]
>     return sum
>#print sumRow(myMatrix,len(myMatrix)-1)
>print sumRow(myMatrix,0)
>#print sumRow(myMatrix,1)
>Changing from 0 to 1 and len(myMatrix)-1 i can get the sum of the row each 
>time but i want to put the in a loop so i can get the sum of all row 
>indevidual  the  same time.

import operator
myMatrix = [2,7,6], [9,5,1], [4,3,8]
print [reduce(operator.add,i) for i in myMatrix]
# result: [15, 15, 15]

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625