[Tutor] Re: Can you modify every nth item in a list with a single assignment?

Andrei project5@redrival.net
Sat Jun 14 08:45:01 2003

Jeff Shannon wrote:
> Andrei wrote:
>> >>> [ (item in range(0, len(b), 3) and [b[item]] or [2+b[item]])[0] 
>> for item in range(0, len(b))]
>> [0, 3, 4, 3, 6, 7, 6, 9, 10]
>> That's better. 
> Well, "better" being a matter of opinion. ;)  This works, sure, but I'd 
> rather explicitly build a list of indices, and then explicitly loop 
> through that list and modify the primary list -- or else use that list 
> to exclude items from processing.

I meant better than my original solution (which you left out in your 
quote), not better than a multi-line one, as this ons doesn't suffer 
from the and/or trick problem which my original solution did have. I 
agree that a multi-line solution is more readable, but the topic starter 
asked for a one-liner :).


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