[Tutor] A rant about Tutor homework policy

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Sun Jun 15 16:51:09 2003

At 15:23 2003-06-15 +0000, cino hilliard wrote:
>Fair enough. If he is actually asking you to do his homework and not 
>asking questions I can no longer
>defend this issue for him. He is wrong and could be a troll, spammer or 
>heckler trying to get kicks.

I don't want to judge or place labels on anyone. I'm
sorry if I did. In the general discussion it's easier
to talk about a cheater, than about a student who at an
unfortunate occation strays from the narrow path... ;)

Since this popped up right now, after a certain email,
it's possible that someone is feeling targeted right now,
but this is a general problem, both in this mailing list,
in the internet at large and in education in general.

This is not about any particular person, and while examples
can be helpful, I'm not on any witch hunt. I'd be happy if
I didn't see any more attempts at cheating on this mailing
list, but that does not mean that I want to exclude any
particular person from the mailing list.

I can understand that someone might panic about an assignment
that he feels he must succeed with, when he really gets stuck.
Every person should be treated with respect, even if they
make mistakes at some point. We all do.

I think it's wrong to ask someone else to write your
homework. I think it's right to point that out, and I
try to help in a fair way instead, but I'm not very much
inclined to help someone who doesn't seem to make an
effort which is comparable to the one I do in trying to

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language