[Tutor] built in functions int(),long()

cino hilliard hillcino368@hotmail.com
Wed Jun 18 07:26:07 2003

Hi all,

The built in always avail functions

int( x[, radix])
Convert a string or number to a plain integer. If the argument is a string, 
it must contain a possibly signed decimal number representable as a Python 
integer, possibly embedded in whitespace; this behaves identical to 
string.atoi(x[, radix]). The radix parameter gives the base for the 
conversion and may be any integer in the range [2, 36], or zero. If radix is 
zero, the proper radix is guessed based on the contents of string; the 
interpretation is the same as for integer literals. If radix is specified 
and x is not a string, TypeError is raised. Otherwise, the argument may be a 
plain or long integer or a floating point number. Conversion of floating 
point numbers to integers truncates (towards zero). If the argument is 
outside the integer range a long object will be returned instead.

long( x[, radix])
Convert a string or number to a long integer. If the argument is a string, 
it must contain a possibly signed number of arbitrary size, possibly 
embedded in whitespace; this behaves identical to string.atol(x). The radix 
argument is interpreted in the same way as for int(), and may only be given 
when x is a string. Otherwise, the argument may be a plain or long integer 
or a floating point number, and a long integer with the same value is 
returned. Conversion of floating point numbers to integers truncates 
(towards zero).

These do not work properly or as defined.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: invalid literal for long(): 123
123L                            OK
123L                           OK
27L                                      base 10  123 base 4 = 1323
same thing for int()
same thing for versions python 222, 23 a1

  3         3        3         3        3        6            2              
2   +  13  +  33  +  43  =  49   =  7    =  343   = 117649

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