[Tutor] built in functions int(),long()

Gerrit Holl gerrit@nl.linux.org
Wed Jun 18 08:17:01 2003

cino hilliard wrote:
> These do not work properly or as defined.
> examples
> >>>long('123',2)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> ValueError: invalid literal for long(): 123

This is correct. Base 2 means only 0 and 1 can occur.

> >>>
> >>>long('123')
> 123L                            OK
> >>>
> >>>long("123",10)
> 123L                           OK
> >>>long('123',4)
> 27L                                      base 10  123 base 4 = 1323

This is all correct.

b10 b4
0   0
1   1
2   2
3   3
4   10
5   11
6   12
7   13
8   20
9   21
10  22
11  23
12  30
13  31
14  32
15  33
16  100
17  101
18  102
19  103
20  110
21  111
22  112
23  113
24  120
25  121
26  122
27  123

What is the problem?


52. If the cultivator do not plant corn or sesame in the field, the
debtor's contract is not weakened.
        -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
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