[Tutor] Re: sending hex data on port
Wed Jun 18 15:24:04 2003
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 12:20:07 -0700, Neil Schemenauer
> I think you are confused about the difference between
> numbers and
> strings. The hex() builtin requires an integer as an
> argument. '18' is
> a string. You really need to be more specific as to
> what you want to
> do. '18' could be interpreted as a number in base 10
> or in base 16 or
> in lots of other ways. For example, if the value you
> have is '1829',
> what are the characters you want to write to port?
> Neil
Yes, I am. I really just need to pass over the serial
port a hex 18 (0x18) and then a hex 0B (0x0B) and then
a hex 1D (0x1D). I am obtaining return values each time
via the same serial connection. I appreciate your help.