[Tutor] Using more than one tag in 'find_withtag'...........
Suresh Kumar
Suresh Kumar" <suresh_vsamy@rediffmail.com
Fri Jun 20 10:35:08 2003
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<P>=0AHi,<BR>=0A<BR>=0A Is it possible to use more than one 'tag' va=
lue in 'find_withtag' option of Tkinter canvas? i have drawn some rectangle=
s and ovals on canvas and assigened two tag values for each item. The=
first tag value is common for all items that belongs to a category (say &q=
uot;rectangle" for all rectangle and "ovals" for oval). The =
second tag is unique to each item ( iam using name of item as 2nd tag). Now=
how can i get an item of particular type, say "rectangle named MyRect=
"? How pass these two tag values to 'find_withtag' or is there any alt=
ernative?<BR>=0A=0A</P>=0A<br><br>=0A<a href=3D"http://www.herohonda.com/ka=
rizma?rediffmail" target=3D"_blank"><IMG SRC=3D"http://ads.rediff.com/RealM=
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Hi,=0A=0A Is it possible to use more than one 'tag' value in 'find_withta=
g' option of Tkinter canvas? i have drawn some rectangles and ovals on canv=
as and assigened two tag values for each item. The first tag value is comm=
on for all items that belongs to a category (say "rectangle" for all rectan=
gle and "ovals" for oval). The second tag is unique to each item ( iam usin=
g name of item as 2nd tag). Now how can i get an item of particular type, s=
ay "rectangle named MyRect"? How pass these two tag values to 'find_withtag=
' or is there any alternative?=0A