[Tutor] about Regular Expression
Bob Gailer
Sat Jun 21 13:34:01 2003
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At 08:53 AM 6/21/2003 -0700, Abdirizak abdi wrote:
>I was trying to sset up a regular expression that covers the following
>6868 8901
>(02) 6868 8901
>this is the regular expression set up to cover:
>tee = re.compile(r'\b\(?\d?\d?\)?\s?\d+\d+\d+\d+\s\d+\d+\d+\d+\b')
>tuu = "(02) 8750 9529"
>tii = tee.findall(tuu)
>print tii
>MY PROBLEM is it is displaying this output:
>[ ' 02) 8750 9529']
>it misses the first bracket but don't know why:
THE PROBLEM is the \b which 'Matches a word boundary...."word' means
"sequence of alphanumeric characters."' Remove the \b and it works.
Bob Gailer
303 442 2625
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