[Tutor] problems with the bisect method

Mic Forster micforster@yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 22:17:02 2003

Hi guys,

I am using the bisect method to find the value of x. I
am sure I am missing something simple here so I put it
to you. Thanks for any help.

>>> from math import log
>>> def f(x, s):
	return ((1 - x) / x) * (-(log(1 - x)))

>>> j = 1. / 7861
>>> s = 33
>>> def bisect(min, max, delta, function):
        fMax = function(max)
        fMin = function(min)	
        assert fMax * fMin < 0
        while max - min > delta:
                newX = 0.5 * (min + max)
                fNew = function(newX)
                if fNew * fMax > 0:
                                max, fMax = newX, fNew
                        min, fMin = newX, fNew
        return newX, fNew

>>> def fun(k, s):
	return f(k, s) - j

>>> delta = 1e-9
>>> bisect(delta, 1-delta, delta, fun)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#10>", line 1, in ?
    bisect(delta, 1-delta, delta, fun)
  File "<pyshell#5>", line 2, in bisect
    fMax = function(max)
TypeError: fun() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

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