[Tutor] Re: I have a small project I want to work on..

Andres Rosado arosado@softhome.net
Wed Mar 5 19:21:01 2003

On 10:55 AM 3/4/2003 -0500, tutor-request@python.org feed this fish to the 
>Its for my work.  I work in a school where we punch in and out on a time =
>card, however we are also required to  write out a time sheet to go =
>along with this. Since I'm no wizz at math, I want to make this time =
>consuming adding hours and minutes from my time card into a simple =
>program that's there when we need it.
>The only bad news is that my school probably will not allow the Python =
>program to sit on any of the computers (security reasons), so I was =
>hoping that maybe I could embed it into a Html or have it as an =
>excutable, all our mechines are Windows98, so there is no =
>cross-operating system to worry about.


>I'm very new to python and I understand the basics. But what would you =
>suggest for me to get started ?

Start simple. Write something that just take care of the counting the 
hours. Then you can start building from there. And ask here. :)

Seriously, the guys here are great.

More general, I would suggest you to get the Python binaries at 
http://www.python.org/ and start the hour counting process. After that, get 
py2exe to "compile" Python. Tkinter or wxPython are good for Windows.

Andres Rosado
Email: andresr@despammed.com
ICQ: 66750646
Homepage: http://andres980.tripod.com/
Get my PGP key at http://andres980.tripod.com/pgp-key.asc

Someone is speaking well of you.