[Tutor] Searching for a substring within a list

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Tue Mar 11 04:14:01 2003

At Sat, 08 Mar 2003 06:46:06 -0500, Daniel Nash wrote:
>I have a list of email addresses :
>list1 = ["dan@company.com","fred@company.com"]
>and another list made up from the contents extracted from an email headers
>To:,Cc: & Bcc:
>list2 =[('', 'support@company.com'), ('jim', 'jim@company.com'), ('',
>I want to write a peice of code to return true if any element in the first
>list appears as a substring of any element in the second list.

You got some replies already, I just want to add two things:


For detecting substrings, the normal python idiom is:

bigString = "sldkfkjhgksdhfksdhf"
subString = "ks"

if bigString.find(subString) != -1:
     print "I found", subString, "in", bigString

x.find(y) returns the position in x where the first sequence
matching y begins, so 'ba'.find.('a') will return 1 and
'a'.find('a') will return 0. -1 indicates "not found".


Email addresses are a bit tricky. I guess you get list2 from
some routine that strips off extra information, as in
   "Santa Claus" <santa@northpole.int>

There are still case issues though. Santa@NorthPole.INT is the
same address as santa@northpole.int.

If you do the stripping as in list2, x.lower() == y.lower()
might be an appropriate test, rather than a sub string search,
but if you want a substring search, you might actually want

if bigString.lower().find(subString.lower()) != -1:

If there are performance issues, there are a number of further
improvements one might do, but then we have to look at more of
the program. If performance is ok, don't bother.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65
http://www.thinkware.se/  mailto:magnus@thinkware.se