[Tutor] Executing a program from within a Python Program
Bob Gailer
Fri Mar 14 12:23:01 2003
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At 10:37 AM 3/14/2003 -0600, Henry Steigerwaldt wrote:
>when I attempt to start a program like Paint Shop Pro that
>is NOT part of Windows, I get an error that Python cannot
>find the program, examples:
> import os
> os.system("start c:\\program files\\jasc software inc\\paint shop pro
Try os.system("c:\\program files\\jasc software inc\\paint shop pro7\\psp.exe")
Did you read the error message? I'll bet it said Cannot find the file
'c:\\program files\\jasc' (or one.... Notice that the first blank in the
path is seen as the end of the program. If you were entering this command
at at DOS prompt you'd need to put it in "" to have the OS take the entire
path name. So let's put it in quotes:
os.system('start "c:\\program files\\jasc software inc\\paint shop
Which gives us a DOS window with c:\program files\jasc software inc\paint
shop pro7\\psp.exe in the title bar!
Look up start in help:
Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command.
start ["title"] [/dpath] [/i] [/min] [/max] [/separate| /shared]
[/low|/normal|/high|/realtime] [/wait] [/b] [filename] [parameters]
So the first quoted string is taken as the title. That leads to:
os.system('start "arbitrary title" "c:\\program files\\jasc software
inc\\paint shop pro7\\psp.exe"')
and Bob's your Uncle.
Bob Gailer
303 442 2625
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At 10:37 AM 3/14/2003 -0600, Henry Steigerwaldt wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>[snip]<br>
when I attempt to start a program like Paint Shop Pro that<br>
is NOT part of Windows, I get an error that Python cannot<br>
find the program, examples:<br><br>
import os<br>
os.system("start c:\\program files\\jasc
software inc\\paint shop pro<br>
Try os.system("c:\\program files\\jasc software inc\\paint shop
Did you read the error message? I'll bet it said Cannot find the file
'c:\\program files\\jasc' (or one.... Notice that the first blank in the
path is seen as the end of the program. If you were entering this command
at at DOS prompt you'd need to put it in "" to have the OS take
the entire path name. So let's put it in quotes:<br>
os.system('start "c:\\program files\\jasc software inc\\paint shop
Which gives us a DOS window with c:\program files\jasc software inc\paint
shop pro7\\psp.exe in the title bar!<br><br>
Look up start in help:<br><br>
Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command.<br>
<b>start</b> [<b>"</b><i>title</i><b>"</b>]
[<b>/d</b><i>path</i>] [<b>/i</b>] [<b>/min</b>] [<b>/max</b>]
[<b>/separate| /shared</b>]
[<b>/low</b>|<b>/normal</b>|<b>/high</b>|<b>/realtime</b>] [/<b>wait</b>]
[<b>/b</b>] [<i>filename</i>] [<i>parameters</i>]<br><br>
So the first quoted string is taken as the title. That leads
os.system('start "arbitrary title" "c:\\program
files\\jasc software inc\\paint shop pro7\\psp.exe"')<br><br>
and Bob's your Uncle.<br>
Bob Gailer<br>
<a href="mailto:ramrom@earthling.net" eudora="autourl">mailto:ramrom@earthling.net</a><br>
303 442 2625<br>
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