[Tutor] turtle.py reset screen dimensions

reavey reavey@nep.net
Thu Mar 20 07:09:02 2003


Perhaps this problem could be answered if it were possible to know from which
file the turtle request the window manager geometry.
Despite many attempts all receiving the same error, I haven't given up on the idea that I have misread or input Gregor's fix incorrectly, .

Re: [Tutor] full screen turtle.py    add this thread to my home page
by Gregor Lingl other posts by this author
Feb 11 2003 10:38PM messages near this date
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[Tutor] List exercise >>

reavey schrieb:

 > is there a way to display a full screen when turtle.py initializes?

As a default-canvas is created the first time when you call an arbitrary
function, there is no way to pass information about its size to the canvas.


(1) There is the possibility to create turtle-objects on your own
which may have any size you want. more precisely, you have to create
an object of the RawPen class, which goes like this:

  >>> from Tkinter import Canvas
  >>> cv = Canvas(width=800, height=600)
  >>> cv.pack()
  >>> t = RawPen(cv)
  >>> t.forward(100)

you may reset the size of cv with something like:

  >>> cv["width"]=400
  >>> cv["height"] = 500

and recenter t by calling t.reset  (which works essentially the same way
you used when resizing the default-canvas manually)

(2) Another way to accomplish what you want ist do decide to rewrite
the reset-function of the turtle-module in order to pass information
about the size of the canvas. (If these arguments are not given, it
works the old way):

First you have to change the reset-method of RawPen  (approx line 40):

     def reset(self, width = None, height = None):
         canvas = self._canvas
         if width: canvas["width"] = width
         if height: canvas["height"] = height
         # .... and so on. as before

Then you have to modify the reset - function (approx line 350):

def reset(width=None, height=None): _getpen().reset(width,height)

I've attached a modified turtle.py

With these changes the following will be possible:

  >>> from turtle import *
  >>> reset(800,600)
  >>> forward(50)
  >>> reset(200,200)

Regards, Gregor

P.S. I didn't extensively test these changes, so maybe there will be
some unwanted side-effects, especially when using RawPen.
Maybe I'll have a look at this sometimes later ...

 > The first canvas takes up a small portion of the display (around 10%).
 > When I hit the expand button on the canvas it doesn't recenter.
 > The drawing still uses the inititial canvas coordinates.
 > btw: this is not a problem using the interactive interpreter as a
 > turtle.reset()
 >        issued after you expand works as expected.
 > thanks
 > re-v

I have tried part two being the better solution.
I get the following error
traceback(most recent call last)
file "<stdin>",line 1 in?
############## the reader of this message will please from this point on 
replace the word file with File 

file line 314, in reset
def reset(width=None,height=None)::_getpen().reset(height,width)

file line 308 in_getpen_pen=pen=Pen()

file line 292, in__init__RawPen.__init__(self._canvas)

file line 16, in__init__self.reset()

file line 34 , in reset self._origin = float(width)/2.0,float(height)/2.0

type error: float() needs a strong argument

from turtle import *    ####works
reset()  ###produces the above failure
reset(200,200) ####error as above
reset("200","200") ###error as above
