[Tutor] programming style question:
Thomas CLive Richards
Wed May 7 01:54:02 2003
I'm doing a degree course in Dunedin, New Zealand, and as part of this we have to do a pascal assignment. Well, to cut a long story short, i handed in my assignment, and was marked down because i used the following structure for a loop: (obviously i wrote this in pascal):
while 1:
if (condition):
Now, the alternative would have (in my mind anyway) been more convoluted, and harder to read. What do you all think? It is a bit off topic, but do you guys think programming style is a personal thing, or should there be set rules?
Things like "do i use a for or while loop here? In pascal it's pretty much up to you; both are usable. what do you think?
Thomi Richards,