[Tutor] What would you recomend a total newbie to do?

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Wed May 7 15:10:02 2003

At 17:43 2003-05-07 +0000, roy ollis wrote:
>     What are the best resorces to learn python.  I'm a non programmer so 
> i wont understand something with alot of tech terms.  I have downloaded 
> 2.2.2 and it comes with a tutorial but i was wondering what other 
> tutorials i should buy or download.  is there a book that starts for 
> newbies and by the time you get to the end of the book you know even the 
> advanced stuff?

Unless you speak German, I think Alan Gaulds book is
the one which is most aimed at beginners. Alan also
has a web site here:

Another book that doesn't assume prior programming
skills, but seems a bit more academic, is available here:

Since Python is a easier to learn and work with than most other
languages, I think you will learn fairly much from any good
python book or tutorial, compared with the resources for other
languages, but there is always more to learn...so it's all a
matter of what you think is advanced.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
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