[Tutor] a neewbie at python [help for newcomers]

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu May 8 05:29:01 2003

On Thu, 8 May 2003, UCT Student - BNDELL001 wrote:

> I am a neewbie at python programming and I am also a first year student
> doing EEE103W and we use python.

[rest of project question cut]

Dear Ellen,

Please be aware that, since we're a volunteer group of folks who show each
other how to use Python effectively.  We are morally prohibited from
helping in project assignments.  I'm saying this up front, and I hope you
undetstand our caution.  We just had someone here a few weeks ago that
asked us to do their homework for them, and I really want to avoid that
situation again.

We can help point you toward resources that you can use to better learn
the language, and you're always welcome to ask questions about confusing
points on the language.  Have you had a chance to look at the "Newcomers"
resources on Python.org?  There's a few tutorials there that will help you
get started:


You can pick and choose which one feels best for you, and try going
through it.  If you have prior programming experience, you should be able
to pick up a lot of the language in a few days.  If not, it might take a
little longer, but it shouldn't be too rough.  Your Teaching Assistant may
also be a good resource that you can ask for help.

Don't be discouraged: your project actually doesn't sound too difficult.
If you read Alan Gauld's tutorial:


up to the "Branching" chapter, you should know enough to do the project.
I think you can realistically work through this in a week or two.

If you run into a roadblock while you're learning Python, please feel free
to ask questions here, and we'll do our best to help clarify things.

Danny Yoo