[Tutor] livewires--> working with the mouse

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Mon May 26 09:24:02 2003

At 12:45 2003-05-26 +0200, Lennart Middel wrote:
>I had a question about working with the mouse with python. I use the 
>livewire module and in a sheet i downloaded they use a command: mouse_begin()
>only when i do this, python gives an error. It does not reconnice the 
>command. How come? and what is the right command to start using the mouse 
>with the use of livewires?

You have to be much more specific about your
problems if we are going to be able to help
you. Forget all your literature teacher ever
told you about describing things in your own
words! ;)

It's much easier to respond to a clear Python
traceback message then to "python gives an error.
It does not reconnice the command".

Show the piece of code that caused the error
and show us what the error looked like. Exactly.

I don't expect that anyone here has used the livewires
stuff. I dodn't even know there was more than text

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The shortest path from thought to working program