[Tutor] using rdflib
Danny Yoo
Tue May 27 16:27:03 2003
On Mon, 26 May 2003, Shantanu Mahajan wrote:
> Can anyone point me to the tutorial for using rdflib?
Hi Shantanu,
By rdflib, I'll assume that you mean a library to work with the 'Resource
Description Framework':
Isn't this the Semantic Web stuff that Tim Bernes-Lee is working on?
Very cool!
But I haven't had a chance to dive into this yet. The documentation on
seems slightly... well, not quite complete yet. *grin* There are examples
that you can experiment with:
which try to show common use of the rdflib.TripleStore module to work with
those RDF triples.
Unfortunately, I can't find an introduction tutorial to rdflib itself. If
we use Google, we should be able to find introductory material for 'rdf'.
For example,
but I haven't yet found anything that introduces rdflib itself.
You may want to ask your question on the newsgroup 'comp.lang.python'
instead: RDF is actually really specialized, and many of us may not be
experienced enough with it to help you find good resources.
Good luck to you.