[Tutor] recursion sort of

R. Alan Monroe R. Alan Monroe" <amonroe@columbus.rr.com
Fri May 30 20:44:01 2003

>> [My apologies for posting so much on this; it's an interesting
> problem!]

> that's ok with me!! :)

> it's going to take me a while to decipher your suggestions, but I do
> understand the problem you pointed out with time.  

> If you don't mind my sticking with what I had before for another
> moment, this is what I did before I got your message, because I
> realized (duh) that I am not interested in nt (the TOTAL of n1 + n2)
> I'm interested in the dynamics of n1 and n2 (we can imagine they're
> two different clones), specifially what will make them oscillate
> WITHIN the population (nt can stay constant all the time for all I
> care)

> this is the little change
> It's terribly hard to copy and paste the output of this though to
> graph in excel...

Print the numbers with commas between. Then redirect the output of the
program to a file, and open it in Excel as a .csv file :^)
