[Tutor] Re: sorting by values in dict

Andrei project5 at redrival.net
Thu Nov 13 04:50:38 EST 2003

Paul Tremblay wrote on Thu, 13 Nov 2003 01:52:31 -0500:

> Is there a way to sort a dictionary by values?

A dictionary is by definition unsorted.

> My problem involves a simple script that sorts files by size.
> I make dictionary that looks like this:
> {'file1': 10000,
> 'file2'	: 10000,
> file3'	: 5000,
> }

You'll then have to convert this back to a list of tuples of the form
(size, filename), and then use the sort() method of the list, e.g.:

>>> files = [(1000, 'file2'), (2000, 'file1'), (900, 'file3')]
>>> files.sort()
>>> files
[(900, 'file3'), (1000, 'file2'), (2000, 'file1')]



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