[Tutor] Unix philosophy

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Nov 18 06:16:46 EST 2003

> I was having a look at the UNIX philosophy and I readed that:
> "Make every program a filter
> I was wondering how I could be able to make my python programs work
in a
> filter mode?

A filter in Unix is a program that reads its input from stdin
and writes its output to stdout (and ideally its errors to stderr)

This allows us to build up commands as sequences(called pipelines)

cat foo.txt | sort | uniq

Which sends(cat) the file foo.txt into sort which sends
the sorted result into uniq which removes duplicates.
The final output being a list of the unique words in foo.txt.

So how do we write such a program in Python?

In Python raw_input and input both read from stdin by default and
print writes to stdout. BUt raw_input waits for the input line by
line, to be a true Unix filter there should be no prompts or waiting,
so instead of raw_input we need to read() from sys.stdin...

What it means about files is that ideally you shouldn't
write a program that does this:

fname = raw_input("Whats your filename?")
text = file(fname).read()

rather you should do:

text = sys.stdin.read()

And rely on the previous command in the pipeline(possibly cat)
to send the file content to you.

If the program is not part of a pipeline it will just sit and
wait for you to type input and read it until you type EndOfFile
(Ctrl-D in Unix).

This is a bit unfriendly so its common to write programs that
take a command line argument which switches filter behavious
on or off. There is no fixed convention for how this is done.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

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