[Fwd: Re: [Tutor] Livewires Robot-5]

Gregor Lingl glingl at aon.at
Fri Nov 21 20:00:47 EST 2003

Indentation of my previous post was completely damaged, (don't know why)
I try it once more:

robots = [] # initially empty
for i in range(number_of_robots_to_create): # number_of_robots_to_create
                                            # for instance may be 5
    newrobot = Robot() # a new one
    ## here check if there are collisions
    ## with robots already created, something SIMILAR TO
    ok = False
    while not ok:
        ok = True
        for oldrobot in robots:
            if oldrobot.collides(newrobot):
                ok = False
            if not ok: # there was a collision
                ## put newrobot in a new place
                ## ok is still False here, so the loop has to be done again
    ## here we come, if there was no collision (ok is True here)
    ## so the robot is ok and we append it to our list of robots:

## Now all our robots are ready to do something:

for robot in robots:
    ### do something

hope it will work now ...

Regards, Gregor

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