[Tutor] snack classes

Michael Lange klappnase at freenet.de
Sat Nov 22 18:26:47 EST 2003

On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 00:30:59 +0100
"Andrea Valle" <marta_andrea at libero.it> wrote:

Hi Andrea,

> Dear all,
> I'm tryin' to use Snack soundkit. That's really interesting. But I'm not a
> programmer.
> As I wanted to implement some simple audio manipulation, I created a class
> Sig from the Sound class of Snack, i.e.:
> class Sig (Sound):

maybe you could be more explicit about what you want your class "Sig" to do.

> But I am not able to use all the methods of Sound with Sig.

if you want to use all methods of the "Sound" class, why do you need class "Sig" ?

> It seems that I need some reference to tkSnack.

If you haven't already, take a look at the Snack manual at Snack's homepage:


> Can anyone kindly explain what happens and how to do?

like I said above, please tell us more details. If you post your code and maybe some error
messages and a description of what you expected your code to do, we might be able to give you
better help.

Good luck


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