[Tutor] Disable output buffer with some tkinter thrown in.

Intatia intatia at paradise.net.nz
Thu Nov 27 06:36:51 EST 2003

I am doing a little python scripting for kmuddy, a mud client, this involves 
receiving, having a look at, and occasionaly sending stuff back.
What is sent/received is always plain text through stdin and stdout.

Firstly when I first started off I came across a problem where everything I sent 
back (via a print statement) came up only after the script had finished, a quick 
post on the kmuddy led me to using sys.stdout.flush() after each print 
statement, but it was also mentioned that in other languages it's possible to 
disable the output buffer entirely.
Mentioned in perl: ,$|=1;
and in C/C++ as: setvbuf (stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0);
How do I do this in python?

Secondly I am running into a similar problem when using Tkinter, createing a 
root window and inserting labels. It creates the Tkinter window but then it just 
sits there without the labels being added in, closing the tkinter window 
produces the following traceback :

Traceback (most recent call last):
Script info has finished with return code 1.  	 <<<--This line is from kmuddy
   File "/home/intatia/script/infomation.py", line 7, in ?
     Label(root, tex="Hello").grid(row=0, column=0)
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 2370, in __init__
     Widget.__init__(self, master, 'label', cnf, kw)
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 1835, in __init__
_tkinter.TclError: can't invoke "label" command:  application has been destroyed

This script works perfectly and as expected when run by itself from the command 
line. I can only assume it is running into the same problem as the print 
statements were, some sort of output buffer?

Any ideas? Thoughts? Musings? Random gueses?:)

Python 2.3 on Mandrake9.1
kmuddy 0.6rc2

As an explanation on what I'm doing as a whole, I'm aiming at creating a script 
that intercepts says/goss/clantell/tell (Communication from other players) into 
window for easier (and slower) reading. And perhaps eventually putting in the 
capacity to reply on the appropriate channel.


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