[Tutor] putting a short list of integers into a (specific) compact form

kevin parks kp8 at mac.com
Sun Oct 12 03:20:15 EDT 2003

Hi everyone,

I've got a question. It is a bit of a brain teaser for me and i am 
trying to figure out nice and pythonic way of going about things, but i 
just can't get my head round the problem so after staring and the 
screen for an eternity, i though that i would give a shout out and see 
if i can understand what comes back in response and hopefully i will 
have an 'a-ha' type moment. It is quite a complex process for my small 
brain so half the battle is understanding the steps and the other is 
figuring out how to code it up. As a way to help me get the problem 
straight in my pea-sized brain, i though that i would write out the 
process and now, since i am stuck, if anyone is bored, i would love 
some help, since this is actually being done for a purpose (in order to 
get some other work done).

here's what i'd like to do (it is quite complex, but it have tried to 
present the recipe as
clearly as possible):

Take a short list of small integers and put it into a very specific
compact form like so:

1. Initially, all duplicate elements should be eliminated and the 
elements should
    be written so that they are ascending in order (all integers are 
mapped mod 12).

2. Since there will be as many ways to order them as there are elements 
    the list, we want to choose the ordering that has the
    smallest interval from lowest element to highest one.

3. If there is still a tie under rule #2 we want to pick the list that 
   most packed to the left (by finding the intervals between the first 
   and the second to last element and comparing the intervals of each 
list in
   the tie, if there is still a tie, compare the intervals between first 
   in the lists and the third to last, etc.)

4. If this still results in a tie for each element, for example in the 
case of:
    [10,1,6] , [1,6,10] , and [6,10,1] we choose [1,6,10], since
    it's first element is 1.

(finally, and optionally, i'll likely need to transpose the answer so 
it starts on 0)

So in a set with the following five possible orderings (here already 
sorted low to high
and proceeding systematically (again %12)):


So the interval between the first element and the last is

[0,4,8,9,11] = 0-11 = 11
[4,8,9,11,0] = 0-4 = 12-4 = 8
[8,9,11,0,4] = 4-8 = 16 - 8 = 8
[9,11,0,4,8] = 9-8 = 20-9 = 11
[11,0,4,8,9] = 9-11 = 21-11 = 10

Here end up with a tie between the second and third orderings above. So 
we go to
rule #3: We compare the intervals btween the first and next to last 

second ordering: 11-4 = 7
third ordering: 0-8 = 4

Since 4 is smaller than 7 we conclude the third ordering [8,9,11,0,4] 
is more packed to the left and
what we want and there is no need for rule 4 in this case.

I hope that i have stated the question clearly. I would appreciate any 
help folks could give on this. Frankly it is beyond
what i can do at this point, but i would like to see how others 
approach this in the hopes that my code will work and that
i might learn something.




   kp8 @ mac . com

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