[Tutor] which way do I go?

Michelle R. Anderson Anderson m_anderson_0830 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 10 22:26:55 EDT 2003

Hi Tutor:
     My name is Michelle.  I am learning languages for the first time in my life and right now I'm kind of on my own with it.  I have a pre-class assignment to complete, which is due by October 18, and I'm am totally lost.  I need to create a function that receives two numbers as arguments.  This function should add up all the integers between the two numbers, for example:
If I called the function with the numbers 3 and 9, I should get:
>>>sumdifference (3, 9)
my result should be 30
this comes from adding the numbers 4+5+6+7+8=30
This program should give me an output of:
the sum of integers between 3 and 9 is equal to 30
Now don't get me wrong, I am not looking for a step by step procedureto complete this problem.  However, I have been through several tutorials and nothing has pointed me in the right direction.  I've read about defining arguments and several other topics that seemed related, but I still cannot seem to get started.  All that I need is a big push in the right direction and possibly some pointers on finishing it off.  Please keep in mind that this is my very FIRST time attempting to program and I am doing this on my own (no instructors, no nothing).  Thank you so much for your time.  I cannot wait to hear your suggestions.

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