[Tutor] Re: editor (was: no subject)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Oct 15 17:48:22 EDT 2003

> Perumal Sadagopan wrote:
 > >pl tell me how to  edit a programm

Open any text editor(even notepad if you like!).
Type Python commands into it.
Save the file giving it a name that ends in .py
Make sure it is saved as plain ASCII text not RTF or 
MS Word format etc.

The new file is a python program that you can run 
by double clicking in explorer(assuming you use Windows)

or by typing

python file.py

where file.py should be whatever you called your program.

If its a short program you may find it closes too quickly
to see it, in which case add the line

raw_input("Hit return to quit...")

as the last line.


Alan G.

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