[Tutor] (no subject)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Oct 18 03:44:44 EDT 2003

> im new this is basic u prlly heard this question a MIllion times but
> are all the commands usable in the snake program and what do they

OK, I'll assume that "the snake program" is Python and not
the old snake game?

Python is a programming language and just like any other
language it has words and a set of rules abouit how to use
those words. Once you understand those rules you can
combine the words in many different sequences to express
ideas. In a programming language instead of expressing
ideas we express instructions to the computer to make
it do things.

The Python program is the mechanism for translating
the Python statements that we write into something
the computer understands.

The best place to find out how to do this is to use
one of the tutorials designed for complete beginners
on the Python web site, and ask specific questions
about them as you go on this mailing list. THe tutorials
are found here:


> explain any spacings that must b done between commands.

The tutorials will explain all of that because spacing
(or indentation as its called ) is important in Python.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

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