[Tutor] running process in parallel

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Oct 27 13:35:59 EST 2003

> I want to run some script files in different directory all at a time
that is
> running process in parallel .Is it possible?

Assuming these are all Python scripts(?) and that they have
an API that you can call then you could use threads to
execute the different functions. OTOH if they are plain
python programs that you want to run in parallel (each in
its own Python interpreter) then you need to use a combination
of threads and os.system(or os.popen). The same applies if
they are written is some other language, but you will need
to form up the command string to include the interpreter
and script file name before passing it to os.system.

If thats not what you mean then you will ned to give us a
more explicit example.

Alan G.

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