[Tutor] Re: plotting pixels

Kirk Bailey idiot1 at netzero.net
Tue Sep 2 22:08:25 EDT 2003

plotting pixels. hmmm...



just musing a little. no application in mind, just musing...

And remembering in the book 'Hackers' the breif mention of a great hack- a 
'smoking electric clover'. Thing drew a 4 leaf cloverlike shape, eacy ray from 
the center changed color from the previous slightly, and the thing went around 
and around, gradually shifting colors, so they were forever slowly rotating 
around in a rainbow.

In the '60's, this was pretty radical stuff, possibly one of the earliest 
realtime animated computer arts- comment?

And I also seem to recall someplace there is a turtle module or add on.

just musing...

Lee Harr wrote:

>> I want to do some basic graphics programming under Python
>> Does Tkinter run "on top" of OpenGL?
> No, those are completely separate.
> You may want to look at pygame (http://pygame.org) which
> will definitely let you plot points (although it is not generally
> done that way :o)
> Also, take a look at my book and the libraries I wrote to
> help you get started:
> http://staff.easthighschool.net/lee/computers/book/
> http://www.nongnu.org/pygsear/
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         Kirk D Bailey

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