[Tutor] multiline comment in Python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Sep 5 21:40:05 EDT 2003

> > [using :m,ns/^/#/  and :m,ns/^#//  in vim you can use the visual
> > block mode to select the comment region. I suppose you could even
> > it to a key if you wanted]
> Good grief Alan, you're making it sound like vi is complicated =8)!

vi is unfortunately. Powerful but complicated
vim on the other hand is simply wonderful... :-)

> If vim is set up correctly, all you have to do is start out with
> a '#' at the beginning of the line and keep typing past the end
> of the line,

Well blow me down with a feather!
Yes this works with out of the box vim on Windoze too.

The only snag is the line length is longer than I like but
that can be changed easily enough.

I still like the visual mode for commenting blocks that already
exist, but this is good for new comments.

Alan g.

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