[Tutor] multiline comment in Python

Karl Pflästerer sigurd at 12move.de
Sat Sep 6 02:47:51 EDT 2003

An unnamed person wrote:

> statements in it, I meant print statements using quotes.  Take for example
> a small program I wrote yesterday to be run from the commandline:

Now it's clear what you mean. And with a little pice rewritten it works.

> <code>
> #!/usr/bin/env python

> def dec2hexconverter(x):
>         hexstring = hex(x).replace('0x', '').replace('L', '').upper()
>         length = len(hexstring)
>         if length == 1:
>                 hexstring = '000' + hexstring
>         """elif length == 2:
>                 hexstring = '00' + hexstring
>         elif length == 3:
>                 hexstring = '0' + hexstring"""
>         elif length == 8:
>                 hexstring = hexstring[:4] + ' ' + hexstring[-4:]
>         print hexstring

def dec2hexconverter(x):
    hexstring = hex(x).replace('0x', '').replace('L', '').upper()
    length = len(hexstring)
    if length == 1:
        hexstring = '000' + hexstring
    elif length == 2:
        hexstring = '00' + hexstring
    elif length == 3:
        hexstring = '0' + hexstring
    elif length == 8:
        hexstring = hexstring[:4] + ' ' + hexstring[-4:]
    print hexstring

Use seperate lines for the triple quotes and Python is happy.

What you can't use there you are right are triple quotes around triple
quotes.  Then it's easier to use your editor (like eg XEmacs :-) ) and
use its command for commenting a region.

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