[Tutor] Productivity

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Sep 9 23:28:14 EDT 2003

> I used to make my Python CGI's in the vi editor.
> Now, I'm looking for the ways to optimize the productivity
> of the development tasks.

What is slowing you down? Assuming you know vi there are few 
more productive editing tools so it presumably isn't the 
typing of the code. (BTW you do use something more modern 
than vanilla vi I assume? elvis or vim say?)

If it is the editor you don't like you probably have access 
to emacs - which is equally powerful and some think more 
intuitive(!). Or for something more primitive but with lots 
of Python speific helps, there is IDLE which should come 
with Python...

A vi(or emacs) expert will likely outperform an IDLE expert 
but an IDLE beginner will probably be faster than a vi 
(or emacs) beginner.

> Could anyone say me what the better ways/tools to develop
> python programs/cgis?

So where is the inefficiency do you think?
Testing? Looking up the code signatures? Copying the files 
to the server?

Alan G.

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