[Tutor] Productivity

Tim Johnson tim at johnsons-web.com
Tue Sep 9 14:31:14 EDT 2003

* Ronan Lucio <ronan at melim.com.br> [030909 10:04]:
> Hi All,
> I used to make my Python CGI's in the vi editor.

  I use vim, and vim has a large array of resources
  for python. Check out
  and do a search on python.

  I am however, very impressed with PythonWin. Very 
  nice IDE indeed!

  If you prefer to use linux, you can run windows on top
  of linux using Win4Lin and have access to the same
  filesystem for both OSes. Potentially, you could then 
  write CGI scripts for Linux using PythonWin.

  I think that if Python were the only language that
  I wrote in, I would use PythonWin.

> Now, I'm looking for the ways to optimize the productivity
> of the development tasks.
  I haven't tried Boa Constructor myself, but it is at
  It got a very good review in a current Linux Mag.

> Could anyone say me what the better ways/tools to develop
> python programs/cgis?
> Thank's
> Ronan
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Tim Johnson <tim at johnsons-web.com>

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