[Tutor] file opening modes

Lloyd Kvam pythontutor at venix.com
Wed Sep 10 13:30:02 EDT 2003

Jimmy verma wrote:
> I know which filenames i will be creating dynamically so i dont want 
> these files to be already present when i run the program again.
> I hope i am right with the append mode or should i choose some different 
> mode.
(I'm surprised I haven't seen replies to this yet.)
One alternative would be to use mode w the first time and then mode a thereafter.
I believe it is simpler to simply delete the files at the beginning.  This can be
done by:

import os
# assumes that your known filenames are in fnamelist
for fname in fnamelist:
If the file names in the fname list refer to file in some other directory,
	os.remove( os.path.join(r'c:\some_other_dir', fname))

(Code was simply typed in and not tested.  it should be close to correct.)

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-443-6155
fax:	801-459-9582

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