[Tutor] Productivity
Tim Johnson
tim at johnsons-web.com
Wed Sep 10 09:37:06 EDT 2003
* Guillermo Fernandez <guillermo.fernandez at epfl.ch> [030910 03:01]:
> Hi,
> I always hear that vim and emacs are wonderful editors, and that when we
> know it they enhance productivity without explaining why. I've used
> emacs for some time, and I've tried without much succes to start using vi.
It is probably safe to say that both vim and emacs are difficult to
learn. It is arguable that the effort can be rewarding.
What they share is the potential to be primarily keyboard-driven.
emacs/xemacs: Is almost infinitely extendable because it is 'driven'
- that is - modifiable by the elisp language which runs internally.
The same could be said of vim. Vim has it's own scripting language
which is an extension of the different keystroke modes, and is much
more 'terse' than emacs. Also, vim allows you to compile the
python, perl, or ruby interpreters into the editor, thus allowing
for internal scripting in any of those languages.
What makes vim both so productive and so maddening (to some) is
the modal approach to editing.
Example: (just a simple one)
In "normal mode" if I press the 'l' key, I move the cursor right.
I press the 'h' key, I move the cursor left.
Here's a simple customization: If I press the sequence '\be',
I get list of buffers loaded into my editing session. Press <F8>,
and I get a list of 'hyperlinked' function names that I can jump
to. For me, this is much quicker than a 'point and click' method.
If I press 'i' in "normal" mode, I am then in 'insert mode' and
can type text. There are many potential keystroke mappings that
are available and can be added in this mode also.
Vim is an acquired taste. I hated it when I first tried it and
gave up in disgust, but tried again later. Now it is second nature
to me. I wouldn't wish it on somebody who is 'forced' to use it.
There are many vim users who are also experienced python programmers
and have made numerous 'plugins' for python in vim.
Several years ago, a local utility that had a couple of dozen
autocad technician sent them all to a special training session
that taught them how to use autocad entirely without a mouse.
When that session was finished and they were allowed to return
to their work stations (still mouse-enabled) they all said they
were more productive.
Oh, and vim is also mouse-enabled.
> Could someone explain the features that make them enhance productivity
> in such manner?
> I know this is not a direct python question though...
> Thanks!
> Guille
> >>Now, I'm looking for the ways to optimize the productivity
> >> of the development tasks.
> >What is slowing you down? Assuming you know vi there are few
> >more productive editing tools so it presumably isn't the
> >typing of the code. (BTW you do use something more modern
> >than vanilla vi I assume? elvis or vim say?)
> >If it is the editor you don't like you probably have access
> >to emacs - which is equally powerful and some think more
> >intuitive(!). Or for something more primitive but with lots
> >of Python speific helps, there is IDLE which should come
> >with Python...
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Tim Johnson <tim at johnsons-web.com>
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