[Tutor] Re: for/else question

Andrei project5 at redrival.net
Fri Sep 12 03:41:38 EDT 2003

Gabriel Cooper wrote:
> python has this weird "else" after a for loop, like so:
> for x in y:
>    do stuff
> else:
>    do other stuff
> So... yeah... Do /you/ use "else" with for loops? If so, when?

Ha, I didn't even know the possibility existed. Given its function, I agree that 
the word "else" is a peculiar choice, "then" or "finally" or 
"whenfinishedwithoutbreak" would be a lot better. Especially the long one, so 
people wouldn't be too tempted to use it :). I can't think of an instance where 
I'd have needed this feature.



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