Kirk Bailey idiot1 at netzero.net
Fri Sep 19 00:39:28 EDT 2003

Ole Jensen wrote:

> How does it work when importing modules?
Not bad, once you sneak them past customs...
> I am asking because I have been trying to get the CGIserver program to work
> with some problems I might add.
> However I got it working by changing this:
> import BaseHTTPServer, CGIHTTPServer
> to this:
> import BaseHTTPServerv
> import CGIHTTPServer
> I was under the impression that it was fully possiple to import two (and
> more) modules at the same time, besides Kirk apparently had the program
> working using the former code bit?

> Basically I'm asking this why was I not able to import both modules in one
> go?
That's odd; it works for me just fine. Could this be a quirk of a divferent 
version of python? I am running 2.2.1; how about you?

>>STEVE wrote the server, I simply called a bug in it to his attention; he
> fixed
>>it. I used it, and made sure it was ok to give out copies, then offered it
> to you all.
> Hmm I should be able to remember that now, third time lucky, eh ;-)
> Just want to appolgies for the little late reply, work's been keeping me
> focused elsewhere...
> I set up a desktop shortcut like you described Kirk, but it still shut down
> right away, I'm expecting python to remain open but minimized.
> I have discovered something else though, the trace back that I get when
> running the server, is the same when I just open idle and try to import
> CGIHTTPServer.
> <code>
>>>>import CGIHTTPServer
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in ?
>     import CGIHTTPServer
>   File "C:\PROGRA~1\python\lib\CGIHTTPServer.py", line 28, in ?
>     import SimpleHTTPServer
>   File "C:\PROGRA~1\python\lib\SimpleHTTPServer.py", line 17, in ?
>     import cgi
>   File "C:\Programmer\python\cgi.py", line 3, in ?
>     httpd=BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('',80),
> CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler)
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'CGIHTTPRequestHandler'
> <code>
> As can be seen I cannot even import the module without getting an error, I
> have tried to download an reinstall python (2.3) and still get the same
> result (the above trace back is copied from IDLE). I don't understand this I
> am sure that I have spelled it correct, and as




         Kirk D Bailey

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