[Tutor] pyserial question

Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} VICKI.STANFIELD at ROCHE.COM
Tue Sep 23 14:37:49 EDT 2003

Actually this functionality is just what I need, but it doesn't work in my application (always returns 0). I am using an infrared dongle, does that not meet your second spec of using a cable that actually carries the signals? If not, how can I accomplish the same thing with a read or write or something else?


-----Original Message-----
From: Lloyd Kvam [mailto:pythontutor at venix.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:45 AM
To: Vicki Stanfield
Cc: tutor at python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] pyserial question

I downloaded the current pyserial (1.20).  I looked at the serialposix.py

dev = Serial(rtscts=1,#plus other necessary parameters)
dev.getDSR()	# should be true if device is turned on
dev.getCTS()	# should be true if device is ready to receive data

This only works if the device actually supports hardware flow
control signalling AND if you are using a cable that actually carries
the signals.

The timeout will only affect commands that read from the device.

Vicki Stanfield wrote:

> I am still unable to figure out how to test whether or not the device on
> the other end of the serial connection is on. Is there a simple way to do
> a conditional read that times out with an error after some given amount of
> time. I am using pyserial version 1.18. When I open the port, I specify a
> timeout of 1 second, but that doesn't seem to do what I expect it to.
> Maybe I have to do something different with the write command to look for
> an error code? Right now, it is simply:
> port.write('\x09')
> I don't see anything documented.
> --vicki
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Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
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