[Tutor] Re: Hi

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Sep 23 16:51:16 EDT 2003

> > projects people are working on right now??

Right now none coz I'm off on vacation tomorrow! :-) 

But once I get back I'll be working on a call queue 
simulator for a contact centre - modelling the call 
presentation to agents with a blended mix of voice, 
email and web chats. 

If that looks realistic then I will extend it to see 
what happens if we add Instant Messaging to the mix.

And if I can find the spare time I might also try to 
build a little COM utility for Outlook to generate a 
distribution list from the list of addresses on the 
To: and CC: lines in an email. It would probably be 
easier in VBA but I'd like to try it in Python...
But time will be at a premium when I return, so its 
a long shot.

Welcome to the tutor list, :-)

Alan G.

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