[Tutor] python.org mail server?

pan at uchicago.edu pan at uchicago.edu
Fri Sep 26 23:32:06 EDT 2003

|> I'm making a "pyAR" ---a python archive reader, which is able to
|> read many different py-related archives. The objective, aside from
|> being able to read many archives on a single page, is to allow
|> read and reply/post on that same page. 
|I'm curious about that: is it webbased?

I hope to make it webbased, so I can use it both at home and 
at work or even on travel. And sure, any pythonist can use it

But I need to learn how this can be done. If I have some company
host my website, I should be able to use their mail server on
my webpage, right ?

|> When replying/posting a msg, what I like to do is to call the mail
|> server on python.org for the mail transfer. That means, anyone, even
|> he doesn't have a mail account, can still make use of it. 
|> So, my question is, is this possible ? Or
|I hope not, it sounds like an excellent way to distribute spam. I've never used
|a SMTP server which didn't require authentication (but then again, I'm not an
|oldtimer :)).

If I am convinced that it could cause spam, then I will make it 
password protected and use it for private only.

|> If yes, then, how can I get the info (address) of a mail server for
|> me to use to send mails ?
|Perhaps you could ask the user to install a local smtp server? Perhaps there's
|even one in Python somewhere in the libs or on the net. Otherwise, there are
|free ones available for Windows and Linux comes with a whole battery of 
|so that shouldn't be a problem.

Well this is basically for my own convinience. I like to be able to 
watch, learn, and help with py related stuff easily and hassle-free.
But subscribing to too many list managers brings too many emails to me.


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