[Tutor] passwd.py
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Apr 15 03:47:37 EDT 2004
> import sys #no "welcome.." after
> passwd = "foobar" #a dummy passwd
> count = 3
> current_count = 0
> while passwd != "unicorn":
> current_count = current_count + 1
> passswd = raw_input("Passwd: ") #P..as text; p.. is a
> if current_count < count:
A wee bug here I think. This will fail on the
third attempt - ie your users only get two guesses!
You need to check for (current_count <= count) I think.
> print "no, stupid! try again;"
> else:
> print "three times, you're out!"
> break #double indent;breaks
I dont think you need break and sys.exit. If you puit the
exit instead of the bbreak it should work.
> sys.exit(1) #no good for "unicorn"
This gets called after you exit the loop regardless of
whether it was succesfully or not.
> print "welcome in"
> #sys.exit() [per w.chung, core PYTHON PROGRAMMING];
> # indented twice fails to stop "welcome in";
Thats because you hit break first and it exits the loop
> # indented once causes exit after first incorrect password;
Thats because its part of the loop and executes after the
if statement each time.
> # not indented works fine with wrong passwds;
> # but also kicks out 'unicorn' w/ "three times, you're out!"
I think thats the <= bug I mentioned earlier.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
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