[Tutor] Tkinter dilemas

David Talaga dtalaga at novodynamics.com
Tue Apr 20 12:47:58 EDT 2004

Actually the clean method does.  I am not to sure if it is not supposed to
but that aspect of the progam is tested. And as far as the ). I found that
out no big deal. I am an idiot :) what the problem is though now is that
after I select a file to be cleaned, it cleans it and then i can not get
back to the Open() function.  I tried to call it from the bottom of the
Clean() function ut still, nothing...  Here is the new version of the
program: (It is still in the works. tinkering around with it and al)

import os
import tkFileDialog
import sys
import re
import Tkinter

#Define all variables
global root
result = 0
sub = re.sub

# define the dialog function to call the dialog box
def dialog():
    initDir = 'C:/windows/desktop'
    filetype = [('All files', '.*')]
    fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=initDir,
    return fileName

#Define the doDialog function. Uses the dialog function from another file
def doDialog():
   global result
   result = dialog()

#Define the List function that displays the list of "cleaned" files
def Open():
    global f
    f = Tkinter.Button(root, text = "Find Files", command = Clean)
    global l
    l = Tkinter.Button(root, text = "View List", command = List)
    global x
    x = Tkinter.Button(root, text = "Exit", command = sys.exit)

#Define function List to be used in the Open() function.
def List():
   S = Tkinter.Scrollbar()
   global L
   L = Tkinter.Listbox()
   S.pack(side = Tkinter.RIGHT, fill = Tkinter.Y)
   L.pack(side = Tkinter.LEFT, fill = Tkinter.Y)
   S.config(command = L.yview)
   L.config(yscrollcommand = S.set)

#Define the function to populate the listbox
def Populate():
    if os.path.isfile('cleaned_files.txt'):
        print "cleaned_files.txt exists"
        file('cleaned_files.txt', 'a', 1)
    clean = open('cleaned_files.txt', 'r+')

#Define the Clean function to clean the files
def Clean():
    if f:
        global fileName
        fileName = dialog()
        in_file = open(fileName,'r').readlines()
        out_file = open(fileName + '_cleaned.txt', 'w')
        for i in in_file:
          tmp = sub('\x0D','', i)
        print 'File cleaned'

    if x: out_file.close()

    if l: List()

    print fileName

#Call the working function

#Make the path where the cleaned files will be stored
if os.path.isdir("C:\\Cleaned_Files"):
   print "C:\\Cleaned_Files exists"



  -----Original Message-----
  From: Crabtree, Chad [mailto:Chad.Crabtree at nationalcity.com]
  Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 12:42 PM
  To: 'David Talaga'
  Cc: 'tutor at python.org'
  Subject: RE: [Tutor] Tkinter dilemas

    -----Original Message-----
    From: David Talaga [mailto:dtalaga at novodynamics.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:51 AM
    To: Python Tutor
    Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter dilemas

    I am working with Tkinter and trying to create a box that has three
buttons (in the Open() function) and these buttons seem to not work.  I am
wondering what I am doing wrong.  Here is all of the code but I think that
the problem lies within the Open function.  The first window pops up upon
running the program but there is nothing in the window. Can you help!!!

    #Created by dtalaga for Novo Dynamics
    import os
    from Tkinter import *
    import tkFileDialog
    import sys
    import re
    import Tkinter

    #Define all variables
    global root
    result = 0
    sub = re.sub


    # define the dialog function to call the dialog box
    def dialog():
        initDir = 'C:/windows/desktop'
        filetype = [('All files', '.*')]
        fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=initDir,
        return fileName

    #Define the doDialog function. Uses the dialog function from another
    def doDialog():
       global result
       result = dialog()

    #Define the List function that displays the list of "cleaned" files
    def Open():
       f = Tkinter.Button(root, text = "Find Files", command = Clean)
       l = Tkinter.Button(root, text = "View List", command = List)
       x = Tkinter.Button(root, text = "Exit", command = sys.exit)

    Right here you forgot to put the parenthesis on pack

    #Define function List to be used in the Open() function.
    def List():
       S = Tkinter.Scrollbar()
       L = Tkinter.Listbox()
       S.pack(side = Tkinter.RIGHT, fill = Tkinter.Y)
       L.pack(side = Tkinter.LEFT, fill = Tkinter.Y)
       S.config(command = L.yview)
       L.config(yscrollcommand = S.set)

    #Define function Clean.  Clean will take the files and clean them

    def Clean():
        if f:
           fileName = dialog()
           in_file = open(fileName,'r').readlines()
           out_file = open(fileName + '_cleaned.txt', 'w')
           for i in in_file:
             tmp = sub('\x0D','', i)
           print 'File cleaned'

        if x:
        if l:
        print fileName

    #Call the working functions

     When I uncommented Open() it ran and showed the buttons with the pack
problem above it showed all buttons

    #Make the path where the cleaned files will be stored
    if os.path.isdir("C:\\Cleaned_Files"):
       print "C:\\Cleaned_Files exists"



    David Talaga
    dtalaga at novodynamics.com

    Your clean method will not work.  Look on activestate for a shim recipie
so you can pass arguments with tkinter.   Well I googled I know there is one
on AS but here is a url for another page.  Look this over you should be able
to figure this out.  I needed a similar thing in the past.


    Good luck

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