[Tutor] Re: On GUI's

Andrei project5 at redrival.net
Wed Apr 21 13:42:24 EDT 2004

Adam wrote on Wed, 21 Apr 2004 17:56:31 +0100:

> On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 11:02:29 -0400
> "Crabtree, Chad" <Chad.Crabtree at nationalcity.com> wrote:
>> I just wanted to make a comment about GUI programing.  I
>> recently was trying to make a command line menu driven
>> text console for a little project.  I found the
>> complexities of that system greatly outwieghed the same in
> Sorry. I'm new to the world of gui programming under python.
> I'm not exactly clear on what you're trying to say here. Are
> you saying that you found it more difficult to write a
> command line menu? 

For some purposes it's much easier to just write a GUI and be done with it
instead of handling all kinds of user input and ending up with an ugly
program half the people won't want to use just because it doesn't have a
GUI. Ok, that half probably still won't want to use it if it's written in
Tkinter, but that's not the point :). 

For very simple stuff I like easygui (http://www.ferg.org/easygui/), a
Tkinter wrapper. It beats console style and it's just as easy to program
for (if not easier, since you don't have to check that much if the user
gave some stupid input).



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