[Tutor] Re: recursion and power sets
Thorsten Kampe
thorsten at thorstenkampe.de
Tue Apr 27 07:15:29 EDT 2004
* alice (2004-03-07 06:30 +0100)
> I was trying to write a function that would take a set - represented as a list
> with non repeating elements - and return the power set, so given:
> [1,2,3]
> it should return:
> [[],[1],[2],[3],[1,2],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2,3]]
> After much general confusion, this is what I eventually came up with:
> def foo(pool,head,result,n):
> """ pool, head and result should be lists, n a positive integer """
> if (n == 0):
> while (pool != []):
> head.append(pool.pop())
> result.append(head[:])
> head.pop()
> else:
> while (pool != []):
> head.append(pool.pop())
> foo(pool[:],head,result,n-1)
> head.pop()
> def power(set):
> head = []
> result = [[]]
> for i in range(len(set)):
> foo(set[:],head,result,i)
> return result
> This gives the subsets in a simmilar order to the one in which I would find
> them if I was doing it by hand, but its kind of difficult to think about, so
> I thought about it a bit more and came up with:
> def power(set):
> result = []
> bits = len(set)
> for string in range(2**bits):
> subset = []
> position = 0
> while (string > 0):
> if (string % 2 != 0):
> subset.append(set[position])
> string /= 2
> position += 1
> result.append(subset)
> return result
> Even though this algorithm gives the subsets in a completely different order
> to the way I'd normally find them by hand, I'm guessing its closer to the
> "canonical" algorithm for finding power sets than my recursive attempt, am I
> right? or is there a third, completely different way of doing this?
Catching up...
def powerset(seq):
if len(seq):
head = powerset(seq[:-1])
return head + [item + [seq[-1]] for item in head]
return [[]]
Do not mix the sorting task with the plain "powersetting"! If you want
to have the powerset sorted like you prefer, you should use a
multipurpose "function sort": first by value and then by length. The
standard Python sort() already sort sequences by value.
def funcsort(seq, func):
""" sort seq by func(item) """
seq = seq[:]
seq.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(func(x), func(y)))
return seq
With these two functions your task is trivial:
>>> power_set = powerset([1, 2, 3]) # create the powerset
>>> power_set.sort() # sort the powerset by value
>>> funcsort(power_set, lambda x: len(x)) # sort the powerset by length
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