[Tutor] reading forms

Kent Johnson kent_johnson at skillsoft.com
Thu Aug 5 02:10:32 CEST 2004

At 05:14 PM 8/4/2004 -0600, Priyanka wrote:
>I have created a html form that posts the comments posed by a visitor to 
>my website. It has a text area for letting the visitor write the comment 
>in. However when I use cgi.FieldStorage() to get the string in the text 
>area, it is not printing out the '\n' character of the string. Thus,
>even when I use the string.replace() function to replace the '\n' 
>characters with <br:>, it is not doing so.

You should use <br> or <br /> not <br:>

>Also, is there any method by which the browser would not interpret the 
>HTML tags in the comment area and print them out as is?

Do you mean you want to show the comment in an HTML page? Try 
cgi.escape(comment), this will turn '&<>' into '&amp;&lt;&gt;'


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