[Tutor] How to build a function?

Ole Jensen learning.python at dbmail.dk
Thu Aug 19 21:20:53 CEST 2004

> Hi, I was reading a book about building a function but I just not
> get it.
> Does anybody know where can I find more of this building function
> tutorial on the net?
> Or if anybody have time, could you kindly show me some example?
> Ivan

I like this short tutorial http://hetland.org/python/instant-hacking if
you browse down the page there is a section called "Bigger Programs -
Abstraction" that deals with defining functions. Below that it goes
further in to functions.

Basicly a function needs to be defined and then called e.g.:

>>> def square(x):
    print x*x

>>> square(5)
>>> square(2.5)
>>> square(-3)

Regards Ole

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