[Tutor] Server Error

Ms Soo Chong s4046441 at student.uq.edu.au
Sun Aug 22 08:02:11 CEST 2004


Thanks Danny for your prompt reply. 

Actually, the server error shown in my previous mail
includes import cgitb; cgitb.enable(), thats why I
don't understand. Sorry that I didn't make myself
clear. But still thanks to you.

The following is my basic4.py, please help me to
take a look. I sort of typed in word by word as
shown in devshed. So please pardon me if I typed in
some stuffs that is not needed. ;D


#Created on: 20/08/04

import sys
sys.stderr = sys.stdin

#Import the regular expression module.
import re

#Import the CGI module.
import cgi
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

#Specify the filename of the template file.
TemplateFile = "/html/sf/template.html"

#Specify the filename of the form to show the user.
FormFile = "/html/sf/form.html"

#Define a new function called Display.
#it takes one parameter - a string to Display.
def Display(Content):
    TemplateHandle = open(TemplateFile, "r") #open
in read mode only.
    #read the entire file as a string
    TemplateInput = TemplateHandle.read()
    TemplateHandle.close()                   #close
the file.

    #This defines an exception string in case
    #our template file is messed up.
    BadTemplateException = "There was a problem with
the HTML template."

    SubResult = re.subn("<!--***INSERT CONTENT
                        Content, TemplateInput)
    if SubResult[1] == 0:
        raise BadTemplateException

    #Required header that tells the browser how to
render the HTML.
    print"Content-Type: text/html\n\n"

    print SubResult[0]

###What follows are the two main 'action' functions.
###One to show the form and another to process it.

#Define another function for form.
def DisplayForm():
    FormHandle = open(FormFile, "r")
    FormInput = FormHandle.read()


#Define a function to process the form.
def ProcessForm(form):
    #extract the information from the form in easily
digestible format.
        name = form["name"].value

        #name is required. so output an error
        #if not given and exit script
        Display("You need to at least supply a name.
Please go back.")
        raise SystemExit

        email = form["email"].value

        email = None

        colour = form["colour"].value

        colour = None

        comment = form["comment"].value

        comment = None

    Output = "" #our output buffer, empty at first.

    Output = Output + "Hello,"

    #if email != None:
        #Output = Output + "<A
HREF="mailto:s4046441 at student.uq.edu.au" + email
        #+ "">" + name + "</A>.<P>"

        #Output = Output + name + ".<P>"

    if colour == "swallow":
        Output = Output + "You must be a Monty
Python fan.<P>"

    elif colour != None:
        Output = Output + "Your favourite colour was

        Output = Output + "You cheated! You didn't
specify a colour!<P>"

    if comment != None:
        Output = Output + "In addition, you


    ###Begin actual script.

    ###Evaluate CGI request
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    ###"key" is a hidden form element with an
    ###action command such as "process".

        key = form["key"].value

        key = None

    if key == "process":


Sorry that the script is messed up. Actually, that
is not its original look, don't know why it messed
up in this mail. (Sorry again)

Another error was detected if I include the following:


if email != None:
        Output = Output + "<A
HREF="mailto:s4046441 at student.uq.edu.au" + email
        + "">" + name + "</A>.<P>"

        Output = Output + name + ".<P>"


The error msg is: (I can't copy and paste so I typed
it manually)

File "<stdin>", line 90
      Output = Output + "<A
HREF="mailto:s4046441 at student.uq.edu.au" + email
SynataxError = invalid syntax


See the attached file if you can't read the above
script. Sorry.

Thank you in advance for whoever can tell me whats
wrong with this script.


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