[Tutor] CGI Video collection application File I/O troubles

Olli Rajala olli.s.rajala at tut.fi
Mon Dec 6 15:06:00 CET 2004

> Ok. I tried running the script on my Apache server on Windows NT and IT
> WORKS!!!! The script saves the values of videodb keys correctly. DARN!!!
> I don't get it. Why does the exact same script work on Win and not on Linux.
> Oh, did I mention I am developing the application on Linux. And now I tried
> it on Win XP with Apache and it works. On Linux I have httpd too.

Have you triplechecked that you really can write to the file. I don't
know how python would react, if you can't write to the file (raise
IOError perhaps) but it doesn't cost you anything to check that... :)

Olli Rajala

"In theory, Theory and Practice should be
the same. But in practice, they aren't."
- Murphy's Proverbs

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